A time of change…

Fall is upon us! It brings with it both loss but also new scenes of great beauty!

As we bring our awareness to nature, we see the greens changing to oranges, yellows, reds and browns! We see fullness give way to view the inner structures of trees, bushes and the Earth itself! Harvests reap the bounty, then cut back, turning under what is no longer needed.

Indeed, we are in a time of change!

And here at Sacred Healing Journey, we are in lock step with nature’s cycle! Big changes are underway that bring both loss and expansion into the new! Our spiritual team of “Cheryl and Lynn” is in transition. As Cheryl takes leave on her journey to Arizona, there is at first a sense of loss ~ felt in so many ways and at so many levels! It is important to stay mindful of this experience in whatever way it comes to you! But, like nature, the fullness of the existing programs has already and steadily been slowly giving way as it unfolded in interesting shifts!

Once there was teaching in unison as the groups and workshops were created and manifested in the community. They were bountiful in content, type, length, intensity! Over time, this began to give way to the new that was emerging! Individuation occurred allowing an increasing number of programs and service to be provided as both Lynn and Cheryl began to teach separately! The old gave way to the new in the most beautiful way! And this journey of change now continues!

In the beginning, Sacred Healing Journey provided services only for the folks in the local and greater Chicagoland area. It was a time of creation, of growth…and an amazing spiritual community developed! Now we are changing again! A transition brings expansion and all that has been created will be offered to a new community in Arizona as well! Yes, there is loss, but it is giving way to a beautiful new scene ~ just as nature models!

So, with grateful hearts, strong faith, and deep inspiration we embrace all that we’ve been given and all that is yet to come! We mourn, celebrate, envision, and venture forth! A new day beckons ~ we hold you all in our hearts and Know that in Spirit we are One!

Cheryl and Lynn


Moving out of grief ~ Embracing the fullness of the new


Grief Heals