Gifts From the Sun

As the month of June brings us from Spring into Summer, it also moves us from those rainy days that wash, purify, and nourish Mother Earth, into days that offer more sunlight, warmth, and the reminder to slow down and relax a bit. And this increasing Light from the sun offers us gifts that we sometimes overlook or take for granted…and some that we may not even know about!

The gifts from the sun are plentiful and are offered to us on many levels of our being. As our consciousness expands, and we begin to become aware of the subtle energies within and around us, we open to our world in new and exciting ways. One such way is being able to receive the energetic spiritual gifts of the Sun!

On the physical realm, the sun brings warmth for our bodies to survive, light so that we may see, and a key component to help our plants grow to provide us with the life preserving food and oxygen that sustain our lives. We can easily take for granted the sun’s role in these basic necessities, and they are important, but there is so much more!

On an emotional level, research tells us that with reduced sunlight in the winter months, many people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder and become sad and depressed. Those dreary days that go on and on in the winter or the rainy season of Spring, seem to become dreary moods and emotions after a while. Our energy can become sluggish and our outlook negative. The gifts of the sun bring a certain brightness to our moods, as sunlight helps our brain produce more serotonin for an uplifted mood.

On a Spiritual level, we may just be beginning to learn about the benefits. When we turn our awareness inward such as in meditation, and focus on the "Spiritual Sun", we have an opening to connect to our Higher Self, our Soul, our Spirit. We connect to the cosmos and the cosmic energy it offers when we see, in our mind's eye, the twinkling star in the heavens, or when, with our 'inner breath' we breathe in the Light from a beam or ray of Light streaming down from the brilliance of the Sun discovered within. And make no mistake in thinking that this Light is only an imaginary image, nothing important beyond a nice distraction. For when you spend some time in these contemplative states, you can physically feel your body respond and relax – not imaginary at all! And you can also bring your awareness deeper within, and imagine, sense or feel yourself breathing Light into painful or injured places. Or direct the Light with your intention to places that are tight, tense. With consistent practice at this level, you will begin to feel relief from the pain, injuries heal more quickly, and overall mental, physical and emotional health and sense of well-being improves.

At the atomic level, every cell of our body is vibrating energy. In our deep meditations, we can connect to the high vibration of Love through the inner Light that we discover. When we do this, we awaken at this very core level and resonate with a sense of harmony and well-being. Take a moment and listen to this month’s meditation which is an opening to the inner self. Join us at our monthly group meditation to deepen your experience. Develop a daily practice and experience the many and profound benefits found by millions of people!

Much Love and Light,

Cheryl and Lynn


Allowing the Light to Guide You


Nature's Gifts for the Soul