Allowing the Light to Guide You

There iStock_000030452386_Large_miniwas a lot brewing in May … a lot of energy in the form of information just below the surface … I’ve been hearing this repeatedly, from everywhere… people sensing something is about to break open, there’s a piece they’ve yet to understand, but it’s coming, there’s been a sense that one is being asked to be patient, just a little longer …

Then as we entered June, things began bubbling to the surface and coming together, as the sunlight increases and days lengthen as we near the summer solstice, simultaneously the moon is waxing, peaking into full moon at the exact same time as the solstice!

Astrologically, June holds the dual energies of thinking from our two minds - the lower mind (egoic) and the higher mind (spiritual). This June in particular, we are set to receive grand support via the higher energies in bridging our two minds, and specific assistance in embarking on a path of our higher calling. Attuning with the energies of the moon this month can assist you in bringing clarity to an aspect of your life that has been yet unclear.

This month we are set to receive strong support in clarifying some big picture questions that have been on our mind. How do you allow the moon to guide you? The easiest way to fall into alignment with the moons rhythms is during the waxing phase as the moon’s light grows brighter each night until it reaches its zenith of intensity on the night of the full moon, which is June 20th. It’s hard not to notice as the moon nears its peak of fullness lighting up the night sky! Let her attention grab you at this time, appreciating her beauty and her light. Spend a little time outdoors each evening basking in her light, feeling your own gentle shifting as you open to the energies of this lovely light. This is a time of seeking and receiving the wisdom that comes from the balancing of opposites, the ability to see clearly what was hidden, and greater awareness of the big picture. Pay particular attention to your words, both in thought form and in speaking, be open to recognize the power of your words in ways you previously had not. Begin to see how your thoughts and words can be either obstacles or the creation of new possibilities. Be open to seeing the ways you unconsciously block yourself, habits you may be ready to release! In this time when the moon is illuminating the darkness, you will have a chance to see more clearly what has been unconscious or less conscious (in the darkness). It’s a perfect chance to access increased clarity in seeing how the pieces of your life might better fit together.

Allow yourself to be open to the subtle energies of the natural world around you. Mother Nature has much to offer in the way of support, nurturing, and guidance. There is so much here for us that we miss out on when we’re not receptive.

Be open to receive. Allow yourself this simple act of nurturance.

  • Many Blessings on your path!
  • Much Love,
  • Lynn and Cheryl


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