Do You Believe In Miracles?

In the largest sense of the word, things like walking on water or surviving an accident or illness against all odds come to mind! Often miracles are attributed to Divine providence when a rational explanation fails to explain a situation or event.But does a miracle have to be that big to qualify?

During December, Sacred Healing Journey’s Facebook Page is focusing on the everyday type of miracles. The ones that happen in each of our lives if we but stop to acknowledge them! And we invite you to share those you find in your own lives!But there are many different types of miracles…the ‘larger than life’ ones, the ‘everyday kind’, but also the Miracles of Creation. From tiny seeds, burst forth plants that bear nutritious food that sustain life! From small acorns, sprout large oak trees that last eons of time! And from somewhere in our consciousness, a new concept is created and delivered to us in the form of a thought! And the thought grows into an idea…and the idea morphs into manifestation! When we add our own “inspiration”, that “inner passion” or motivation, we can energize the idea into creation! Where is the miracle? All the way back at the source!! Just where does that initial concept come from? When something has never yet been created? It is that thought that comes from consciousness into our mind that provides that missing link to a cure for a disease. Or it is an image that is “seen” internally, and then painted onto a canvas that becomes a masterpiece that enthralls people for all time. When a thought comes that holds that magnitude of power, to entrance a civilization, to move in a new direction to cure disease that effects millions...those are miracles of creation!And just like there are the “larger than life” and the “everyday miracles”, there are also those “everyday ideas” that come to us in the middle of the night, or in a time of day (or night) dreaming, or during a mediation, that guide us into taking a new step in life, guide us in creating a new way, a better way! Sometimes a thought comes to our mind, but we dismiss it as impossible. Or other times, it seems unlikely or “too far out there”! But if we begin to be present to our inner thoughts, those kind that come from that small voice inside, or pay attention to that notion that ‘dawns’ on us, causing us to wonder, “what made me think of that?”, we have begun the journey of creation! When we learn to trust that inner thought, nurture it into an idea, and with inner passion, manifest it through our actions, we are fully in the miracle of creation!And when we choose to live our life from this perspective, our life unfolds in miraculous ways! So we invite you to ask yourself the question: Do I believe in miracles? We hope the answer is “yes”! And that you open your mind, invest the passion, and embrace the journey of bringing those miracles to life!

Much Love and Many Blessings,Cheryl and to our December meditation to open to this process!)

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