A Deeper Look…

How is it that our mind, our body and our spiritual nature are connected?
How does one impact the other?

Consider this: Each of our physical components has a parallel energetic or spiritual component.

For instance, our brain is physical – we can touch it, see it, hold it. Our mind however, connotates its spiritual equivalent as we contemplate, reflect, or ponder. Our physical body has many parts, but it is our energetic body that sometimes still feels “phantom pain” when a limb is lost. Our physical eyes see externally, all that is in our physical world, while our spiritual sight is our visionary, our inner sight, where insight is accessed, and it is what we use in meditations and in our dreams. The connections between the physical body and the spiritual self are vast in scope and dimension.

Another concept to contemplate is that of our spiritual nature, our Soul, as energy or vibration. We come to this awareness from our own personal experiences of connection to our spiritual essence through meditation, Reiki or other spiritual experiences. These connections are described by many as feeling like energy waves, pulses, tingles, electric-like! Spiritual energy is movement, it is a force in and of itself. It is that living, though invisible component that resonates at the center of every atom in our physical body. And atoms are the building blocks of everything! Sounds are energy waves that are registered by the eardrum through vibrations that result in us being able to hear energy! When we hear certain sounds or energy vibrations, our physical body responds. There are sounds that soothe and calm us, energize us, frighten us, etc. This occurs through complex body systems in which the physical brain plays a key role. Or think about the breath, how it is different when we are excited, calm and peaceful, or anxious. The spiritual component of the breath, prana, is the life force energy of the carried through the breath. Our breath is not only essential oxygen for our physical bodies, but also transports the energy that activates our chakras, our kundalini, and our subtle energy body.

And one last idea to contemplate! Our Spiritual Energy carries a higher frequency of vibration than we typically attune to. This is important because energy carries information to our senses ~ sounds convey words, vibrations are experienced as emotions, etc. And when we attune to the higher energy of our Spirit, we awaken to higher insights than we can typically get from paying attention only to the physical realm. That is why after consistently meditating, a common experience is having an answer suddenly ‘come to us’ or we get inspired towards a certain direction that we had been avoiding or not even been aware of! It becomes even more powerful when we consciously call forth emergence with our Spiritual Nature, sit in its stillness, and are open to its expression within us!

In contemplating even these few ideas, seeing if/how they resonate, we can begin to see how the spiritual and the physical are connected, how they impact one another, and the importance of understanding this bigger picture!

May your life journey be conscious, connected, and infused with Spirit!
Cheryl and Lynn


Next Level Learning!


Breath is the thread connecting Body, Mind and Spirit