Breath is the thread connecting Body, Mind and Spirit

We are absolutely holistic beings, and breath is the magic which connects and heals the various parts of ourselves!

Physical Body

Breath is the primary fuel the body runs on, as well as the primary elimination system for cleansing the body of toxins. Breath brings the vital life essences and releases toxins without us even noticing! Unlike the other fundamental needs of the body - water, food, and movement, the work of the breath is done through the autonomic nervous system.

Spirit Body

While breath is delivering oxygen to the physical body, it’s delivering a subtler substance to the Spirit body known as prana, chi, ki - vital life force energy. Breath, as prana, connects us to All That Is, and as such is THE essential component of Oneness. As prana, breath brings information about life around us, tapping us into both Collective Consciousness as well as Cosmic Consciousness. A little secret for moments where you fall into the mental zone of “I don’t know”, just breathe full and steady, and the information will come … even information that your conscious mind has no way of knowing.

Mental Body

What calms the mind? Breath!

Right? It seems we all know that breath is the number one go to when we need to calm our mental state, shift our mood, or settle our emotions. “Pause and Breathe” is the oft repeated mantra for this task. A great example of this practice is the case of test anxiety, or any kind of anxiety; where worry clouds our mind, the act of pause and breathe clears the mind, allowing the breather to once again retrieve known data.

Breath helps us journey deeper into the mysteries of our multi-dimensional nature!

Breath by breath we release conscious thoughts and settle into a meditative state.

In light body meditations we breathe in light from the Cosmic Sun or the light of our Soul’s ray, infusing our being with this high vibration. The light and breath, working together, raise our frequency quickly and easily invigorating the light body.

In mindfulness meditation practices we follow the breath into the body, utilizing the breath’s movement through the body to travel deeper within. Sometimes venturing deeper still into sensations in the body, we discover emotional energy (current or residual), and frequently release these energetic blocks simply by breathing into them. In this way the breath offers healing on emotional, mental and physical levels.

In Integral Breathwork, (also known as Holotropic Breathwork), the breath is used as the medium to travel ever deeper within, eventually transcending time and space and moving into a state of Oneness. Our breath ushers us into profoundly sacred space from everyday ordinary places and moments, when we are open and allowing of the journey.

It is afterall the breath that guides us into this life, and it is with our final breath that we exit this domain and move into the great mysteries beyond!

Grateful to have you with us on this journey. Enjoy the Mystery!
Lynn and Cheryl


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