Within us, there is great Light, an opening to many dimensions!

This is one way to describe our innate Divine Nature, our Christ Consciousness, our gateway to Source, Supreme / Universal Consciousness, God.

Christ consciousness dwells within each of us, often seen as a white light which embraces all colors. Each color carries a vibration and frequency of energy, and each of us embody a primary color for this lifetime, with the ability to attune to multi-colors and dimensions.

How do we access this? By moving into our heart where abundant and unconditional Love and compassion reside!

Why do we want to access this? Because our Soul is calling us to evolve, to step more fully into our purpose of manifesting this energy on Earth ~ As it is above, so below!

At a Soul level, we are expansive in nature! We may understand this nature in theory based on what we have read or been taught, but it is quite another matter to experience this wonderous connection! And even more to live it ~ live from its guidance! As we choose to open to the spiritual possibilities, the Soul’s journey offers quite the adventure. Sometimes we experience that deep inner peace that is beyond our human understanding, or we feel expansive and inspired, moved to tears of joy or even feel the close presence of loved ones who have passed. Sometimes though, we are brought to circumstances that call for us to confront what is blocking our Soulful journey ~ ofttimes known as the dark night of the Soul. Either way, we are encountering our inner nature, a place we can heal…or bypass the opportunity. We can feel, learn, grow or turn away towards the many forms of distraction available in this world. It is when we choose to be still…and trust that the Christ Consciousness that dwells within is working within, that we are truly able to clear that which is blocking a fuller connection and full expression of itSelf ~ our Soul Self! And this is when we heal and transform our life!

Connection with Christ Consciousness isn’t just a chance encounter. When our Soul speaks to us, it is purposeful and profound. While Higher Consciousness is always available, it is our awareness and attention to it that opens the gateway. Each step thereafter is a choice…to fully engage, or to distract, or only acknowledge superficially, or to deny, etc. Our Soul journey then moves accordingly. Ever patient, our Soul waits in the stillness, for those times when we stop to simply “be”! Making time for discovering the Light of Consciousness within is where miracles happen!

May your journey stir deep within,
May you feel the miracles of the Light!
Cheryl and Lynn


Exploring Christ Consciousness


Compassion is a state of consciousness!