Understanding the messages from your body...

When you are having a physical issue in your body, much can be learned from that ache, pain or injury that can assist in restoring your health. The first step is to understand why!The body responds to and holds, life stresses and traumas in a way that negatively impacts your health. While this is now common knowledge, physicians and health organizations openly discuss the effects of stress and trauma on health, not too long ago, there was no awareness of this connection. And now, newer scientific research is demonstrating that even thoughts and emotions affect our body and our physical health. One leading pioneer in this research, Dr. Bruce Lipton, cell biologist and author of the book, The Biology of Belief demonstrated that perceptions transmit signals to the brain which determine the biology of our bodies. While genes control our biology, the genes are controlled by external signals, such as the situations we live/work in, and our thoughts and beliefs. So changing beliefs or perceptions sends completely different messages to our cells. It is estimated that 70 percent of people's thoughts are negative or redundant and 95 percent of life activity stems from the subconscious. Changing thought patterns and increasing conscious awareness of the beliefs we hold that create our thoughts will improve gene responses. Dr. Lipton's work also dictates that if healing is to be successful, it must have a spiritual content. (Learn more at www.brucelipton.com)So what does this mean? How does it help you heal your body? It helps because it begins to lay the groundwork of understanding how the mind, body and spirit are connected. The next step is to begin to consciously use our thoughts towards healing. If negativity and unconscious awareness have an impact on our genes, then so can positive thoughts and being more ‘present’ and conscious in the moment. And it turns out, we are beginning to understand the ‘language’ of the body on many levels and in ways that can help us to heal!Here, is one easy, beginning step you can do to activate this healing process for yourself! First begin by becoming aware of the particular dis-ease (ache, pain, injury, illness) you are experiencing. Once identified, ask yourself “What is it that this issue is blocking me from doing?” Then simply take that information and notice what situation in your life it pertains to. And finally, confront that life situation with as much honesty as you can, and explore how you can fix or resolve the problems or fears you may be facing. When you address the life problems connected to, and being expressed by, your physical issue, healing is more readily accessible! A quick example… A person has a sprained ankle. It blocks him from walking easily. The question he would ask himself is: Where in my life is it hard for me to walk right now? Maybe it is a hard path to walk in a relationship he is in, maybe it is hard to walk in to work because he struggles with his job, etc. By turning his attention to resolve the relationship or job issue that his ankle is indicating, he will find the sprained ankle heals more quickly, or at times, the pain goes away immediately. Hard to believe? Remember our beliefs significantly impact our biology! Happy Healing!!!


Learning to Listen to All Aspects of Your Self


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