The Solar Plexus (or Navel) Chakra Energy!

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the third of our chakra energy centers and can be found between the navel and the bottom of the rib cage. It is symbolized by the color yellow and reacts to the frequency of the musical note E. The Sanskrit name for this chakra is Manipura, which means the “City of Jewels”. The Hindus depict this center as a lotus with 10 petals, each with a Sanskrit letter representing a primary mental or emotional area that’s balance or disturbance affects this chakra.This Chakra is connected to our sense of self, where our self-esteem and willpower originate. It is associated to the physical body through the navel, small intestine, pancreas, gall bladder, digestive system, kidney and the liver, and is related to being thirsty, hungry or tired. When it comes to our psychological and spiritual nature, it is associated to the transformational power of fire, which helps us “burn” out the pessimistic aspects of the past and ignite the fire, the passion, to achieve the empowerment to direct our life effectively.When our personal power has been threatened or overshadowed by others, it is the Solar Plexus Chakra that holds the energetic block of our life force energy. When this occurs, there is a sense of being stuck with negative thoughts, feeling small and powerless, and easily hurt or controlled by others. Emotionally, there may be difficulty managing anger or fears of being rejected by people.However, when the Solar Plexus Chakra is open and energy can flow freely, it helps us step into an empowered state of moving through our life in a way where control of our thoughts and feelings comes from within, and decisions, choices and actions are initiated from a healthy sense of internal control and strength. We then can hold a sense of personal value and confidence about all we do.As we learn to heal the imbalance in our Chakras, we experience the good feelings that come from living our life from a place of balance and harmony, and understand the importance of working through the blocks in the Subtle Energy System in our body. Therapeutic modalities such as Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy, Ro-Hun Spiritual Therapy, and Integral Breath Therapy are all geared toward release of past trauma and healing the mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual wounding that create blocks. As well, Guided Imagery, Contemplative, Insightful Meditation, and intentional, mindful movements such as in Yoga or Tai Chi, will all help to free the blocked energy to open once again to the free flow of Life Force Energy. Join us for our next Group Meditation and Integral Breath Therapy on June 20th to step into energy healing!




Second Chakra: Svadhisthana