The Power of Listening In
We may not be marvel action comic super heroes, but we are nonetheless endowed with our own marvelous super powers! Human ones! What are they, and how do we access them? It’s not only easy, but these special powers are right out in the open, we simply don’t always understand how powerful they can be when put to good use.
The super powers I’m talking about are …
1. Listening in to your feelings
2. Cultivating Compassion for yourself
3. Conscious choice
There are of course many other powers along these lines such as — focused breathing, noting what you want and need, speaking up for yourself, etc. Can you find the common denominator in these powers? They all serve take you out of being a “victim of circumstances” and instead, with careful usage, will place you smack into the center of your healthy power!
We were born with these innate abilities. There’s an area of our brain that is designed to sense our emotions. Our heart and mind are inherently connected in such a way that compassion also springs forth naturally. And as we know in this society, conscious choice is always ours for the taking, right? Once we reach 18, we can do what we want. We get to choose, as much as we don’t always love our options. So what makes these abilities so special?
What makes these gifts of our humanity special is twofold. First, each gift on its own, and especially taken together, place us fully in our power. Second, these powers raise our consciousness to a higher plane. When living in alignment with these powers, we are able to hear the voice of our Soul gently yet purposefully guiding us through life!
Do you see the beauty here? The simple act of tending to yourself consciously and consistently aligns you with your spiritual path! It’s that easy — go ahead, step into your power! Your soul is waiting for you!
Blessings on your journey!
Lynn & Cheryl