Surrender to Your Heart's Desire

Surrender... to what is.This is after all, the path of least resistance, which is in itself a spiritual principle. And guess where we end up when we surrender to the path of least resistance … we end up with our heart’s desire. It’s true, when we stop resisting and reacting against the flow of life, we end up floating in the energy of our essence, and at our very core are the desires of our heart!I believe that Deepak Chopra (a spiritual teacher for many of us all around the world!) was the first person I ever heard say out loud that many of us had the wrong idea about our heart’s desire. That it is in fact not lazy or selfish to follow that pull, but that it is a spiritual principle to follow one’s heart’s desire. Whoosh, I was instantly struck by the profound truth of this statement. It brought me back to a turning point on my own spiritual journey, and a gift my mother gave me. When I was about 9 or 10 I talked with her about my discomfort with some of the beliefs espoused by my Sunday school teachers, and I said their lessons didn’t fit with the love of the God I knew in my heart. As I recall she asked me to repeat that part about my heart, pausing to listen. And then she said this, “Lynn, the word of the lord is written on your heart. The bible makes that clear. So anytime you feel your heart speaking to you, you need to trust it, more than any other outside person.”One of the greatest miracles given is this very gift. We were born with this wondrous inner radar, our gift to guide us through our time on earth, and back to source. The irony is that if we followed this inner guidance system moment by moment, our lives would be harmonious, as our heart center is directing us always towards our highest good! Our heart center is after-all, the chakra that bridges the earth plane energy centers of our personality with the spiritual plane upper energy centers that relate to our spiritual essence and connection.In childhood we were often taught to discount our inner knowing, and instead listen to outer authorities - parents, teachers, ministers, politicians, etc. Unfortunately this gets us off course. At the lowest points of our lives, in the zone of lost and confused, this disconnect has been the culprit. I have found that through surrender, each time we get re-triggered and re-engage with ego control, when we remember to surrender our will to the Divine Will, the gift that returns is the inner knowing of the heart.If you find yourself off course, simply surrender to what is, love what is. As you surrender to the present moment, no matter how challenging that moment might be, you find yourself once again out of the illusion of what should be / reaction / negativity / striving … and you fall effortlessly into being. Being brings you back to heart center, because striving is of your personality, while allowing connects you to Spirit, allows you to receive.A Spiritual Practice: Allow yourself to feel whatever feelings you are feeling right now, without judgement. Don’t try to change them in any way. Good or bad, just be with them, breathe into them, sit with them as you would a friend … make space for them, listen to them. This creates a sense of spaciousness around them, where they may have been harsh or sharp, they soften and loosen. Continue to breathe and in time they will diminish. Emotions are energy in motion. If you don’t react against them or try to force them, they will rise up as a wave of energy does, then they will recede … it’s a natural process.

Surrender to your heart's desire...your heart knows the way home. Blessings on your journey!
~ Lynn & Cheryl


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