Spirit Speaks through Coincidence and Odd Occurrences!

Have you ever had a “coincidence” occur in your life that you just knew held deeper meaning? Or heard the phrases, “There are no coincidences” or “Everything happens for a reason”. Or thought, “If only I had been a few minutes earlier (or later)…”As we begin to look at life from a bigger perspective, we begin to understand that the events in our life do hold a certain sense of synchronicity, meaning that there are events that occur simultaneously and hold significance, but have no discernible causal connection.So what does it mean that there is ‘meaning in events’? How do we get to understanding the meaning? And even when we do, what difference can it make in my life? These are all good questions and can be understood when we think of evolving consciousness, of walking a spiritual path in life, and of creating more balance and harmony in life.In our day to day living, we tend to live by general guidelines such as not harming others, being responsible for our actions, and keeping our behaviors within the guidelines of the law – man’s legal laws and sometimes, higher divine laws. Then each person also internalizes some more basic, unique and specific internal rules they learned within their family or culture that further defines their actions-for better or for worse! Sometimes the rules become conflictual, obsessive, senseless, or overwhelming. Life can become difficult to navigate, confusing, exhausting and out of balance. People may rebel against the rigidity of rules, or become highly competitive to survive, or overly compliant to be accepted. These are but a few of the ways that life is lived which results in an experience of feeling trapped, stuck, anxious and unhappy. It is at times like these that we begin to seek a way to live that is more harmonious, more fulfilling, and more meaningful. And one way to do this is by expanding your vision of life and raising your awareness and consciousness to understand the guidance from your higher, spiritual self.Paying attention to coincidence is one of those ways to gain such guidance! As spiritual language is a language of symbols, as we have been highlighting in our September blogs, we have been focusing on a four very common ways to find guidance through symbols offered through various ways.1. Nature holds many symbolic messages that help answer our deepest questions and give guidance for our concerns.2. Our physical body talks to us through its injuries and illness.3. The dreams we have while we sleep give us rich pictures and evoke feelings to help us gain insight and understanding about our live.4. And the coincidences that occur in our life can point us in a direction for healing and right choices.So let’s take a look at the steps to unfold the guidance of “Coincidence”. We can do this best by using an example. Let’s say the following happened in your life:You are on your way to work and you get a flat tire. It gets fixed, you move on and think nothing more about it. On a break or over lunch, a co-worker tells you about helping to fix a flat tire for one of their friends yesterday. “Hmmm, that’s odd” you think, that you haven’t heard of anybody getting a flat tire in years, but now, two in one day! And you go on. Perhaps that is enough of a coincidence, or maybe you get in your car to go home, and on the radio, an advertisement comes on, about how AAA service can help you if you’re stranded with a flat tire! Now this would be a coincidence!So what does this mean? How do we get to understanding the meaning?So, you start by asking yourself about the coincidental experience itself. What does a flat tire mean to me? For each of your reading this, it would have a different meaning, you would say different words based on your own life experiences. For example, if you think simply of a “flat tire” it could mean…a huge frustration, a block to getting to where I want to go, an expense I cannot afford, etc. Once you have your words, your meaning, you move to the next step to understand the answer to the next question!What difference can it make in my life?To find this out, take your meaning and your words, and shift your focus from the coincidence, and see where they might fit in your life. For example, if your words were: It is a “huge frustration”, take those words and look in your life for the place where they fit…what in your life right now is a “huge frustration”? Or if your meaning and words were “a block to getting to where I want to go”, ask yourself where in your life are you feeling blocked, not able to get what you want?When you get that “ah ha” insight, and find that life area that the coincidence has pointed out for you, you have successfully decoded the symbolic message/guidance of that coincidence! Of all the issues we face in life, the “Coincidences” will highlight the very issue that needs to be addressed in order for your life to move toward balance and harmony. We may not be ready to face that issue, or want to take action, but you can be assured, if you do, the eventual outcome will be well worth it!You are ready for the final step! You have received a very special message…from your own Higher Self, from Spirit! Don’t ignore it, TAKE ACTION! Make changes, take steps towards resolution, move in a new direction…whatever you do in service of clearing up, resolving, or releasing the issue, is in service of responding to the call to co-create your life with Spirit! Living your life this way is not always easy, but it opens opportunities for abundance, health, and harmony!Much Love and Many Blessings,sacredhealingjourney.com


Spirit Speaks to Us through Dreams


Listening to Spirit through Your Physical Body