Maturing our Spiritual abilities ~ Our Response -ability!

We begin our spiritual journey as Seekers. With interest and curiosity, we try out various paths of interest, read inspirational books, watch video with spiritual themes, begin to meditate, and on it goes. You might say we are like the toddler ~ excied to discover our new world! We want to touch and feel everything to see if we like it or not! We are in it for the experience and when it is over, we are on to the next thing! The seeking is exciting, the search feels good, and if we’re ready, we stumble upon something that touches us at a deeper level. We feel drawn to one or two particular paths and we sink (sync) in deeply. At that moment, with that stirring, we are maturing our Spiritual ability!

Here we move into deeper waters, dive under the surface, and begin to discover the treasures buried there! We gain an understanding of the deeper meaning through reflection, through felt experience, and through using our new awareness in our lives. As we spend a more time and attention in theses pursuits of spirit, our perspectives, choices and decisions shift and we begin creating life from an energy of gratitude. Life begins to change as we consciously recognize our own Response ~ Ability...that is we are responding to our abilities in new ways, from expanded consciousness that is manifesting this greater life we find ourselves living in! At that moment, we are increasingly aware that we are once again, maturing our Spiritual ability!

Sometimes this is quite enough, our thirst is quenched in a deeply gratifying way. We happily continue in life at that level of understanding, feeling loved, joyful and meaningfully connected. But for some, that growth is only a doorway and they feel the beckoning call to walk through and delve into the depths and dimensions of their Spiritual Essence! At this level of Self discovery, we learn to discern and live by the spiritual truths we experience. We again mature our Spiritual ability by Responding to our evolving Sacred Abilities...our ego becomes in service of our Soul! We co-create our life from the experiences, guidance, and awareness gained in exploration of the realms and dimensional world of spirit. Our Lives Transform!

Wherever you are on the journey, we are honored to be a partner! We invite and welcome all to grow and learn in community with others who, like us, are on their Sacred Healing Journey!

Much Love and Many Blessings,
Cheryl and Lynn


Embody Your Light! Understanding your meditation experience!


Manifestation of something greater ~ Creating a new way!