A time of miracles...a time for miracles! And the Miracle is YOU!

We tend to look for miracles that happen to us. We think that somehow, they "just happen"! But it takes only a slight shift of perspective to discover the miraculous within!

Within our hearts, miracles are created!

We have a powerful center within, that we can access easily through touch, thought, or feeling! Our heart!

With simply a few slow breaths, we can drop into our heart centers! It is here that we find a place to rest, a place of safety, and an opening to the multi-dimensional world of our soul! It is here, within the higher frequency of our Spiritual Nature, where insight, clarity and guidance are received.

Understanding this world, living our lives from the profound wisdom offered here, is how the miraculous life is created!

Join us in this sacred journey at our next community meditation!


Stepping into a Miraculous Life!


Transcending What Ails You: Part 2