New Moon in Pisces

Pisces New Moon energy is amping up this weekend, exact on 2/19โ€“2/20 ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’ซ! You can begin to feel and work with these lovely frequencies a couple days prior (now ๐Ÿ˜‰).

Pisces brings deep and mystical energies, helping us dive ever deeper to gain understanding or feel into what may be difficult to touch, while supporting us to trust the unfolding. This new moon supports comprehension, in a spacious Pisces sort of way. Which means it supports us in feeling our way through, via listening inwards at the subtle energy level, feeling, and sensingโ€ฆ bringing greater understanding to what may yet allude us at the mental level. Pisces energies support our connection with guidance from the higher realms directly as well as indirectly, experienced as heightened intuition and heart-felt knowing.

Pisces asks us to connect with our dreams, and trust their unfolding while the new moon helps carry our intentions into form.

New Moons are a time for setting intentions towards growth in the coming lunar month. Align with the moonโ€™s flow to amplify your healing and support your growth!

To best work with these Piscean energies, first, spend some time in meditation this weekend or quiet reverie via art or space for daydreaming to support the inner light & higher connection. Get clear on whatโ€™s arising for healing, or dreams that need nurturing for growth.

Next, create an intention for whatโ€™s coming into focus as your next step on your healing journey. **Hint, it may very well have to do with a Pisces activity or area of your life, like meditation, connecting with guides, bringing greater sensitivity to some area of your life / self, spending time creating or some other activity that fosters inward reflection and working with symbols.

The possibilities for intentions are endless but may include something likeโ€ฆ

*To bring focus / attention to my nighttime dreams for support in actualizing my conscious dreams and intentions. (Work with a dream journal)

*To connect regularly with spiritual support / the depths of myself. (Daily meditation practice)

*To listen to my intuition and concretize it through embodied action.

*To bring greater understanding to a stuck area of my life. (Notice when awarenesses & insights arise. Perhaps journal throughout the months to track your insights)

*To trust my inner knowing (practice trusting inner knowing in daily moments of life).

Then, sometime on Sunday, create a simple ritual either working with water or a crystal (possibly amethyst) or both to support embodiment of your intention. This could be choosing an amethyst or other crystal to work with in the month ahead, and place this crystal outdoors or in a window where it will absorb the new moon energy on 2/19 or 20th. Then bring this crystal into your during daily meditation practice in the month ahead. Or place this crystal on your altar as a daily reminder of the higher energies that support you. Another option is to place the crystal under your pillow or near your bed to support your connection with spiritual guidance and / or in retrieving higher messages from your dreams.

If you prefer to work with water, you might ritualize your intention through a bath or a shower by bringing intentional energy into the preparation for your bath and into the experience of bathing. In this way the simple act of a bath / shower becomes a portal for the new moon energy to flow through as you invite the elemental spirit of water to anoint you, washing away all thatโ€™s no longer serving your highest evolution. Then invite the flowing, spiritual energy of Pisces to penetrate your energy field, heart and mind filling you with its highest frequencies of inspiration, trust, compassion and creativity.

To really harness the energies and support your growth in the month ahead, try attaching a daily or weekly practice (examples listed in parenthesis behind the intentions) to pair with your intention for the month ahead!

**In two weeks weโ€™ll have a full moon energy to work with. Consider how this new moon intention might help you gain clarity on what needs to be released at the point of the full moon.

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